Thursday, March 26, 2009

Orange is the new Yellow

Tayson promoted from a yellow belt to an orange belt last night! He rocked as he showed us all how well he knew his stuff! This is a pic of him and his teacher, Mr. Smith.
This is a video of Tayson's yellow belt form. He's the little guy front and center. Make sure to watch his face at the very end! What a cute smile! "I did it!" ( p.s. Just pause my play list so you can hear the video.)

This is a video of Tayson's actual promotion from yellow to orange! Way to go buddy! We're so proud of you! Check out that mean "chicken kick" right before he gets his new belt! Awesome!!!

1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

He is so darn cute! And that class looks like a blast! I have GOT to look into it for my girls! They would LOVE it!