Thursday, July 2, 2009

An Update.....Finally!

Well, it has been forever since I have posted! Crazy!

We have moved to our new 3 bedroom apartment. It is so nice to have the kids in their own rooms, and actually have enough room to breath again! I am not so sure I like this neighborhood as much, but we'll only be here a year, so we'll survive!

Mother's Day was wonderful! Shaun got me a beautiful clock that I wanted. He also made me breakfast in bed and let me sleep in...divine! It just so happened that our 7 year wedding anniversary fell on that day too. We spent the day playing at the park and relaxing....very nice!

Father's Day has passed too! We got Shaun a CD, and a book that he had been eyeing. We hope he had a wonderful day!

Tayson has promoted from a orange belt to a purple belt in Karate. This means he moves up to the next class and also starts sparring! Very exciting stuff for my little man!!

Haylie's big news is.....drum roll please.....she is the proud new wearer of PANTIES!!! Yes, we finally did it, my friends! We got that girl to sit on the pot! We are still working on nap time and nighttime, but she is doing GREAT!!

So, that is our family update. We are doing great and enjoying summer so far! Maybe if I posted more often I would be able to include more details! I'll work on that...


Joseph N. Anderson said...

Congrats on all the good things happening in your life!

MaryAnn said...

Sounds like you have been having fun being very busy! Congrats to Tayson and Hailey! PANTIES!?!??! WOW! I am totally jealous! Good to hear how you are doing! :)