Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So...Molly tagged me. The rules are: list six quirks about yourself and then tag six people. Then leave them a message on their blog (if they have one, or email them) letting them know they have been tagged. Here goes:

1. Hmmm...I'm a bit of a planner. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the day and the person you talk to.

2. I am very dependable. I will do what I say I will, when I say I'll do it. I like this about myself and wish more people were dependable too!!

3. Wow...this is hard..I've only done two and I'm drawing a blank. Oh..I'm a nurturer. I like to take care of people. If someone is sick or sad I like to help out.

4. I used to love the winter, but ever since Tayson has gone to school and I HAVE to drive somewhere every day, I've began to hate the snow. Fall is my favorite. A little chilly, beautiful colors and dry, or at least just wet, roads.

5. I like things neat and tidy. At least where other people can see them. The closets? Disasters!!

6. I'm childlike in my beliefs. I still want to believe in Santa, the Tooth fairy, and Cupid. What fun is life without a little magic?

Well, now. Let's see. Who should I tag? Melanie, Lindy, Kristin, Kim, Mom, Mara, and anyone else who would like to share!!

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