Saturday, February 28, 2009


So I was tagged, and thought this one looked like fun. Here I go:

My Hubby

1. How did you meet your husband? We met through my friend that worked with him. We ran into each other up at USU and were introduced.

2. How long did you date before getting married? About 14 months.

3. How long have you been married? 6 yrs and 9 months

4. What does he do that surprises you? His quick wit and sense of humor always surprises me! And coming home with chocolate for me is always a nice surprise too! Thanks, Babe!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? Gorgeous baby blue eyes!

6. What is his best quality? He is dependable, determined, hardworking, and a loving husband and father.

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Baby Cakes.

8. What is his favorite food? hmm...I'm not sure. He loves fresh veggies, especially peppers.

9. What is his favorite sport? Hmm...who has time for sports when in school? We enjoyed watching the Superbowl, though, so I'm going to say football.

10. When did you first kiss? When playing corners in the car turned into me seeing stars and laying on his lap after I bumped my head hard on the window. I guess he wanted to kiss me better! :0)

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Oh dear....TMI!!! J/K. We are big movie fans and most nights find us enjoying a new Netfix together.

12. Do you have any children? A handsome Tayson (7 yrs) and adorable Haylie (2 yrs)

13. Does he have any hidden talents? Oh...too many to count! He plays guitar, does photography, restores cars, had his Realtor license at one point and many, many more!

14. How old is he? 29 yrs

15. What is his favorite music? Shaun LOVES music! When I asked him what his FAVORITE music was he said, "I like music ranging from the 1950's to the early 2000's. This is including, oldies, blues, classic rock, heavy metal, old country (Johny Cash) and some butt rock." He then stated that it's a question that no one should be able to answer. There is just so much awesome music out there! ...think he might be a bit passionate about music? :0).....

16. What do you admire about him? I admire his intelligence, passion, and determination!

17. What is his favorite color? Blue

18. What is unique about him? He's mine! No really, he is very unique and I'm so glad he's mine.

19. What are some of his favorite phrases? "I don't cry, I'm not a baby!" , "Want me to hit you in it?" He's also been known to quote "The Office" and many, many other movies!

20. Who said "I love you" first? You know? I honestly can't remember. He said it first today!

21. I tag everyone who is willing!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Glasses!!!

Tayson got his glasses yesterday!!! How handsome is my little man? So scholarly and intellectual, don't ya think? He's been so excited to get his glasses and yesterday was finally the day! We've talked and talked and talked about how to take care of them and he even impressed the people that were fitting his glasses with how much he knew and how careful he was! What a big day for him! I still remember when I got my first pair of glasses. I was only one year older than him! It's crazy how fast the time flies and how fast they grow! What a cute kid!!
Here is a new picture of my little girl. Not a baby anymore! Look how long her hair is!!! So pretty, so grown up! I can't believe how big she is! We are officially done with the Binky and now she says that she is a big girl. Haylie no longer wants her booster seat at the table (we took that down for her) or her car seat (sorry, kiddo...that will be there for awhile yet!). Stop growing! Not yet, k?

It's been a crazy few weeks. Things will hopefully start to settle down soon.
Shaun and I are looking forward to his Spring Break. We are going to CA to check out the area of a potential job offer after Shaun's graduation. Very exciting to be getting done with school and starting the next chapter of our lives. He received the Academic Excellence award last week. Told you he's a smartie!! Way to go, Shaun! Proud of you!
While we are gone to CA, the kids are staying with their grandparents. They are getting excited for that, too. It's always nice to have something to look forward to! Although, they will probably grow a foot while we are gone! Oh well! Aren't they so stinking cute? Gotta love them!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Crazy Life

So, it's been awhile since I've updated this thing! Life has been crazy, frustrating, wonderful and wild in the past few weeks!
Since Shaun will be graduating this May,we have decided to get the whole family into the doctor for checkups. (Shaun is still threatening to fail a class and continue the torture of school..yeah if Shaun knows how to get anything other than straight A's!! :0) He's even getting an award on Friday, although it isn't official, so I'll post more on that later. ) Anyway, back to the doctor thing. I went in for a small lump on my neck that I had been told was a calcium deposit, but it was growing. They referred me to an Ear, Nose, And Throat doctor for a consultation. Turns out it is a cyst. He had me come back to take it out, and back again to get the stitches out today. So, that was four appointments for one thing. Then, Shaun went for a checkup and was referred to another doctor also...that's another two appointments. Then Tayson's turn. He scared us with a diagnosis of Scoliosis, which turned out to be nothing on the x-ray. Thanks for the heart attack, doc!! He also has to go to the eye doctor tomorrow. One more appointment. Turns out he's going to follow in my footsteps and need glasses so young! I guess I should have planned on that one happening! Good thing that he's the cutest kid ever, and even more so with glasses. We'll have pics soon with his exam tomorrow and hopefully getting the glasses ordered too. We do get to "kill two birds with one stone" tomorrow, cuz I'm getting my eyes checked out too. So that's seven appointments, and one on the way tomorrow and then another on Tuesday, since Shaun needs new glasses too. So many doctor appointments, so little time. Can you say, "When it rains, it pours"?

Not to mention that Haylie has now reached the "terrible two's" and I can't stand to take her anywhere! So, I've had to get babysitters every time I go to the doctors. Thanks to everybody who has helped out with watching her! She has also reached a milestone....No More Binky! I know! I know! She is WAY too old to have one, and she only had it during nap time and bedtime, but we finally threw them away. She got to go to the store to pick out a toy as a reward. She picked out a little sea horse that lights up and plays music (much like a glowworm). She absolutely loved it at the store. Then I bring her home, and put her to bed. A fit follows..."I hate that horse! Get it out of my room! I want my BINKY!!" Lovely. Just lovely. I didn't give in. I took her sea horse out and shut the door without giving her the binky! She fell right asleep. When she woke up she spent hours loving her sea horse and telling me how much she loved it. But, when bedtime rolled around she told her daddy that the horse stays downstairs. Apparently, it will NOT replace the binky as her bedtime/nap time comfort. Oh..silly, strong-willed little girl. LOVE HER!!!

On another note...Valentine's Day was wonderful! Shaun let me sleep in, made breakfast for me and had the table all set nice with flowers, chocolates and a card in the middle. So sweet! Cupid then knocked on the door and ran away (since he is naked) and brought the kids a Valentine's treat and stuffed animal. Gotta love that Cupid! Then we dropped off the kids at my parents and went to Iggy's for lunch. Yummy! Then we came home and relaxed the rest of the night. All in all it was a very nice Valentine's day.

So, that's what has been happening in the Copeland family. A little chaotic, but we are loving (or at least trying to) every minute of it. It is definitely worth the crazy's to be a part of this wonderful family. My favorite moment today? Giving hugs, kisses and snuggles as I put my kids to bed. Knowing that they are taken care of, happy and loved. Favorite moment today to come? Hugs, kisses and snuggles as I end the day with my hubby. That's all that matters.