Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Poor Tayson!

Yesterday, Tayson had to have his two top canine teeth pulled. His new adult teeth are on their way in, just a bit sideways, since there is no room for them, so the dentist said to pull the canines in hope of straightening out his adult teeth. Poor kid! He took it like a champ and didn't even flinch once! The "laughing gas" kind of knocked him for a loop though. He was a bit tired, loopy, and I think a little traumatized! He stayed home from school, ate ice cream, had Grandpa Dodge's homemade chicken noodle soup and was pampered a bit! He's such a good kid, even if he was a bit pitiful yesterday! We already know he's going to have to get the bottom teeth pulled too in a few months! He said he would be OK to do it...as long as Grandpa can make him some chicken noodle soup again! What a cutie! AND....the tooth fairy almost forgot to come! I was getting a bit worried that Tayson would be disappointed when his teeth were still under his pillow and there wasn't any money, but then she finally got here about 5:30 am! Good thing! That was a close one!!! :0) So now today at school Tayson's class will sing to him, and put his name on the tooth board! Very exciting stuff...at least to a seven year old! Go Tays! You're a champ!


MaryAnn said...

Poor guy! I'm glad he survived the whole ordeal. That gas does weird stuff to Jason too-- gives him a feeling of "Impending doom". Apparently about 1/2 of the people who use it get that weird feeling. Weird. Good job tooth fairy! and goo job Tayson! It always makes it easier to handle when your class at school celebrates with you, hu? And I think I might need that chicken noodle soup recipe!

Carrie's Corner said...

I didn't know that 1/2 the people get that "impending doom" feeling! How weird! I hope he wasn't feeling that yesterday! How are you guys doing?

John Emett said...

Tayson is such a strong kid!! I'm sure I wouldn't handle it that well.