Thursday, September 25, 2008

A New Throne!

Well, yesterday was an adventure! As the saying goes, " The shit hit the fan!" Literally. Not only the fan, the floor, tub, sink, walls, towels, and any other surface imaginable! And it was my fault! An accident, but a very bad one! Earlier in the day, a pill bottle got flushed down the toilet. By me. Yep. Me. I figured we'd have problems right then, but everything seemed to be flushing smoothly. Then. It. Didn't. And we don't have a plunger. So, I left the kids with Mara, ran to Walmart, got yelled at for entering through the tire and lube entrance, made a smart alec remark back, grabbed a plunger and sped on home. Then. It. Didn't. Work. ARG! We called housing, (poor housing!) and they came and worked on it for a couple of hours. Nothing was working. He left and said he'd see me in the morning. Now, during this whole dramatic event, my long time friend, Brent called to catch up. What a great night to call! We hadn't talked in over a year and he got to hear about my overflowing, clogged toilet! Bet it will be awhile before he calls back! :0) So, anyway, after housing left, I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. My eyes bugged out and I walked back out. It was awful! How in the #@*! did it get in my tub!!! GROSS! Well, I got it cleaned up and went to bed. They came this morning with a spanking new, CLEAN toilet! And it's working and all cleaned up! That's the end of my dramatic event. Now...what will be the next?


Anonymous said...

What a funny story!!! I am so glad that I am not the only one with crazy problems...hahaha :P
Thanks for sharing, you made me smile :)


Carrie's Corner said...

Hey you! Good to hear from you! What's new in your life? Still doing daycare? How are your cute boys? Talk to you soon!