Friday, December 4, 2009

Merry Christmas!

My sweet Tayson and Haylie. Sure do love them!

How sweet can you get?

This year we decided to get a live Christmas tree. We even splurged and got it flocked. Add some new ornaments, and voila! A perfect Christmas tree!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Update in Pics

Oh my! It has been so long since I have posted anything!
This summer was awesome! Shaun was actually around and we got to spend a lot of time together! We took a little trip to Yellowstone:

Then Tayson started second grade! My baby is sooo big and handsome!

Then we found a new hairdo for Haylie:

That's about all that is new with us. Shaun is back in school working on his Master's degree. He is very busy and stressed out. I just keep telling him that it will all be worth it in the long run!
Tayson is enjoying being able to walk to school and in fact, he can see home from his classroom window! Pretty cool! He has been working hard and saving his money and was able to buy himself two froggies. Very cute.
Haylie is just at home with me and we enjoy our time together.
Hopefully I'll keep this thing updated a bit more often now. Here's hopin......

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crazy Post

So, while reading my friends blog, I found this site.

It generates a blog post for you when you can't think of your own. So much fun! Give it a try!
Here's mine.

Holy Snapping Duck Do! I just climbed out from under my rock and realised I have not updated this since people stopped clapping and Tinkerbell died... You would not believe the fairy dust I have to clean up. But I'm sorry you'll just have to take my word for it..

I am absolutely consumed with feeding the little people, driving from one end of the city to the other, just generally being a delightful mistress to my husband, my day is a magical flight from the moment my children manage to unlock my bedroom door and use me as a jumping castle until I feel like going to bed. I am totally loving it, dudes. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.

I send you kisses! I will write something that makes sense soon. Honestly! What do you mean you don't believe me?.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Almost Three and a Party!

My little Haylie is going to be three tomorrow! Can you believe it? I know people say it all the time, but it really does feel as though we just brought her home from the hospital!

We had a party with some friends today. It was a short guest list. Lisa, and her beautiful girls came over along with Mara and handsome Landon! We had creamies, blew bubbles, played in the sand and chatted. It was the perfect simple party for my little girl!

Here is the whole crew.

Tayson and Cheyenne

Haylie was so excited to get new skates from Mara and Landon. I think she may sleep with them!!! Thanks again, guys!

Here is a picture of Mara, Landon and Haylie! How cute are they?

After the party we had a quick lunch, nap and then it was off to the movies! Haylie hasn't been to a movie since she was a tiny baby, due to some unruly behavior in the past! :0) We thought we'd try it again, since she is sooo big and a whopping three years old now! We went and saw Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. It was so cute, and Haylie loved it! Tayson said it was his favorite Ice Age so far!

We had a wonderful "pre-birthday" day for Haylie.'s hoping tomorrow, her actual birthday, will be as memorable!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

An Update.....Finally!

Well, it has been forever since I have posted! Crazy!

We have moved to our new 3 bedroom apartment. It is so nice to have the kids in their own rooms, and actually have enough room to breath again! I am not so sure I like this neighborhood as much, but we'll only be here a year, so we'll survive!

Mother's Day was wonderful! Shaun got me a beautiful clock that I wanted. He also made me breakfast in bed and let me sleep in...divine! It just so happened that our 7 year wedding anniversary fell on that day too. We spent the day playing at the park and relaxing....very nice!

Father's Day has passed too! We got Shaun a CD, and a book that he had been eyeing. We hope he had a wonderful day!

Tayson has promoted from a orange belt to a purple belt in Karate. This means he moves up to the next class and also starts sparring! Very exciting stuff for my little man!!

Haylie's big news is.....drum roll please.....she is the proud new wearer of PANTIES!!! Yes, we finally did it, my friends! We got that girl to sit on the pot! We are still working on nap time and nighttime, but she is doing GREAT!!

So, that is our family update. We are doing great and enjoying summer so far! Maybe if I posted more often I would be able to include more details! I'll work on that...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mr. Smarty Pants!

So I haven't posted for awhile since some big changes are in progress at our house.
I am so proud of Shaun! Words cannot even describe it! The semester is coming to an end, and we THOUGHT that his school career was over. Shaun has finished up his school work for a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with and emphasis in Aerospace. BUT, he will not be walking or receiving his degree this May. Why you ask? Because Shaun is too smart and amazing (yes, I know I'm gushing!) to just get a bachelor's. He was awarded a FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP TO DO A MASTERS PROGRAM!!!!!! How exciting is that? Fully paid tuition, books, a salary and a job upon completion of his master's degree! It is very prestigious and such an honor! No one deserves this more! He has worked so hard to do amazing in school, be an awesome father and wonderful husband! I don't know how he does it all! It was definitely a hard decision with many other job opportunities coming in, and the chance to be done with school, but we knew it was best in the long run to continue his education.
So, you may also be asking why he doesn't get his bachelor's now? Well, because of his grades, and many other things, he qualifies to do the concurrent master's program which means that two of his undergraduate classes will also go towards his masters, making the process that much quicker! Although we are disappointed that he won't be walking, we are so thrilled with the opportunities he has been given...or should I say earned?
So, this leaves us here for another year and a half to two years. We decided that we just can't take a two bedroom apartment for that much longer and will be moving to a three bedroom this weekend! So, while Shaun has been studying, I have been packing and cleaning. Very exciting times for us!
A quick, cute story about Haylie that I just have to share. She went with me apartment hunting. At, one apartment, as I opened a door to the closet, I mentioned that it was big enough for her to sleep in. From that moment on, every closet we looked in, Haylie said, "This Haylie's go night night!" You should have seen the looks I got from the people showing me the apartment! :0) So funny!
Well, off to do more packing and cleaning.
Congratulations, Shaun! We are so proud of you! We love you and appreciate all you do for us! You've earned this! Enjoy the perks of being so hardworking and brilliant!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Easter Morning.
A picture is worth a thousand words!
Aren't they so stinking cute?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Orange is the new Yellow

Tayson promoted from a yellow belt to an orange belt last night! He rocked as he showed us all how well he knew his stuff! This is a pic of him and his teacher, Mr. Smith.
This is a video of Tayson's yellow belt form. He's the little guy front and center. Make sure to watch his face at the very end! What a cute smile! "I did it!" ( p.s. Just pause my play list so you can hear the video.)

This is a video of Tayson's actual promotion from yellow to orange! Way to go buddy! We're so proud of you! Check out that mean "chicken kick" right before he gets his new belt! Awesome!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cold, Hard, Truth

Things No One Told Me Before I Had Children

You will have to sweep your kitchen floor 3-4 times a day if you ever want a clean kitchen floor.

Kids don't thank you for clean bums, clean clothes, yummy food, or regular sleeping schedules.

You will spend more time cleaning dried cereal or yogurt off your kitchen walls and floor, than you will ever spend actually eating cereal or yogurt.

Having children will make you fat.

All children are actually deaf.

A grouchy 5-year-old is worse than a roommate with PMS.

One small child with one small sharpie in one small minute can do more damage than you would ever think possible.

Kids are born obnoxious, insanely nerdy, and disgusting. You have to spend practically every waking moment trying to correct this.

You will repeat yourself until the sound of your own voice makes your head want to explode. And not even for things you should have to say.

You will say things you never ever in a million years thought you'd say or even considered as words people uttered. Or thought. Like, "Because sticking your finger in there makes your hand smell, and it's disgusting" or "Get out of the queso!" or "I can't wipe if you are going to dance around like that" or "No, it is not Sarah's fault that you just pooped all over my bathroom."

Your respect for single mothers who are making it work will be born and multiply a hundred times over.

You will actually get maxed out and THEN some on physical contact.

Bathing regularly will be a luxury.

Your drinks will perpetually have floaties if you don't put them out of reach of your children.

There is no such thing as "out of reach of your children".

The delusion of being in charge is real, and gets shattered often.

Nothing you do stays done.

You will hit your emotional and mental wall, even if nothing else in life has made you do that.

There is no such thing as adult conversation when kids are awake.

You will spend the first 15 minutes of your peace and quiet and alone time with your husband---talking about the children.

Toilets, vacuums, outlets, cell phones, car keys, and drawers hold more appeal than any toy for any amount of money that your child has.

Poop and snot become significantly less disgusting. But still disgusting.

You will always feel like you aren't doing good enough, even if you spent the first 25 years of your life feeling like you are the best thing that ever happened to the word "average".

Your children learning hard lessons will feel more painful for you than them.

There are no words to describe the emotion you will feel when it comes to protecting your child.

Your tolerance for Disney movies expands exponentially. The equations breaks down to something like this FORMALLY SUPER ANNOYING + PEACE AND QUIET=BEST MOVIE EVER AND YOU WANT TO KISS Ol' WALT.

You will actually get stupider. See?

When it is time to prepare dinner, your children will have a completely urgent and irrepressible need to be held. Or to write on walls.

"Children should be seen and not heard" won't seem so rude anymore.

The sound of your child's laughter will always be the most wonderful sound you hear in a day.

Seeing your husband's eyes or manner of speaking in your child will always make your heart melt.

Watching your children explore and learn and grow will bring you pure joy.

"Mom, I love you" makes SO much worthwhile.

You will never get tired of your children's speech impediment.

You will lose all sense of social appropriateness and talk about things that are only interesting to you, really think your child is the cutest child ever born, and be unable to talk about anything intelligent.

You will cherish the little things because you know you should and you know you'll be glad you did.

You will screw up royally. A lot.

You won't feel it day to day, and it will be hard, and feel unrewarding, but in the end, when you have done your best, you will see that it was enough.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


My Cup Runneth Over!

Tehachapi, CA

For Shaun's Spring Break we decided to head to Tehachapi, CA and check out where we MAY be living in the near future. We spent three nights there. It is SO gorgeous there! It is a tiny town up in the mountains that has so much personality. Here is a picture of the beautiful view out the car window while driving.Here are the windmills that Tehachapi is known for.

This is the "Tehachapi Loop". It is a train track that makes a loop to climb up a steep mountain. Shaun and I took a drive up the side of the mountain, on a long, narrow, winding road to see it. It was so pretty, even if it was a little scary!

Shaun and I spent a night in Vegas on the way home. We were sick, running fevers and feeling awful, but had fun anyway. This is us at The Rainforest Cafe in the MGM. It is my very favorite place to eat while in Vegas.

Check out the fish we got to sit next to! Very fun!

We had a good break, but missed our kids like crazy! I hated leaving them for so long, even if it was nice and relaxing!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


So I was tagged, and thought this one looked like fun. Here I go:

My Hubby

1. How did you meet your husband? We met through my friend that worked with him. We ran into each other up at USU and were introduced.

2. How long did you date before getting married? About 14 months.

3. How long have you been married? 6 yrs and 9 months

4. What does he do that surprises you? His quick wit and sense of humor always surprises me! And coming home with chocolate for me is always a nice surprise too! Thanks, Babe!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? Gorgeous baby blue eyes!

6. What is his best quality? He is dependable, determined, hardworking, and a loving husband and father.

7. Does he have a nickname for you? Baby Cakes.

8. What is his favorite food? hmm...I'm not sure. He loves fresh veggies, especially peppers.

9. What is his favorite sport? Hmm...who has time for sports when in school? We enjoyed watching the Superbowl, though, so I'm going to say football.

10. When did you first kiss? When playing corners in the car turned into me seeing stars and laying on his lap after I bumped my head hard on the window. I guess he wanted to kiss me better! :0)

11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Oh dear....TMI!!! J/K. We are big movie fans and most nights find us enjoying a new Netfix together.

12. Do you have any children? A handsome Tayson (7 yrs) and adorable Haylie (2 yrs)

13. Does he have any hidden talents? Oh...too many to count! He plays guitar, does photography, restores cars, had his Realtor license at one point and many, many more!

14. How old is he? 29 yrs

15. What is his favorite music? Shaun LOVES music! When I asked him what his FAVORITE music was he said, "I like music ranging from the 1950's to the early 2000's. This is including, oldies, blues, classic rock, heavy metal, old country (Johny Cash) and some butt rock." He then stated that it's a question that no one should be able to answer. There is just so much awesome music out there! ...think he might be a bit passionate about music? :0).....

16. What do you admire about him? I admire his intelligence, passion, and determination!

17. What is his favorite color? Blue

18. What is unique about him? He's mine! No really, he is very unique and I'm so glad he's mine.

19. What are some of his favorite phrases? "I don't cry, I'm not a baby!" , "Want me to hit you in it?" He's also been known to quote "The Office" and many, many other movies!

20. Who said "I love you" first? You know? I honestly can't remember. He said it first today!

21. I tag everyone who is willing!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Glasses!!!

Tayson got his glasses yesterday!!! How handsome is my little man? So scholarly and intellectual, don't ya think? He's been so excited to get his glasses and yesterday was finally the day! We've talked and talked and talked about how to take care of them and he even impressed the people that were fitting his glasses with how much he knew and how careful he was! What a big day for him! I still remember when I got my first pair of glasses. I was only one year older than him! It's crazy how fast the time flies and how fast they grow! What a cute kid!!
Here is a new picture of my little girl. Not a baby anymore! Look how long her hair is!!! So pretty, so grown up! I can't believe how big she is! We are officially done with the Binky and now she says that she is a big girl. Haylie no longer wants her booster seat at the table (we took that down for her) or her car seat (sorry, kiddo...that will be there for awhile yet!). Stop growing! Not yet, k?

It's been a crazy few weeks. Things will hopefully start to settle down soon.
Shaun and I are looking forward to his Spring Break. We are going to CA to check out the area of a potential job offer after Shaun's graduation. Very exciting to be getting done with school and starting the next chapter of our lives. He received the Academic Excellence award last week. Told you he's a smartie!! Way to go, Shaun! Proud of you!
While we are gone to CA, the kids are staying with their grandparents. They are getting excited for that, too. It's always nice to have something to look forward to! Although, they will probably grow a foot while we are gone! Oh well! Aren't they so stinking cute? Gotta love them!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Crazy Life

So, it's been awhile since I've updated this thing! Life has been crazy, frustrating, wonderful and wild in the past few weeks!
Since Shaun will be graduating this May,we have decided to get the whole family into the doctor for checkups. (Shaun is still threatening to fail a class and continue the torture of school..yeah if Shaun knows how to get anything other than straight A's!! :0) He's even getting an award on Friday, although it isn't official, so I'll post more on that later. ) Anyway, back to the doctor thing. I went in for a small lump on my neck that I had been told was a calcium deposit, but it was growing. They referred me to an Ear, Nose, And Throat doctor for a consultation. Turns out it is a cyst. He had me come back to take it out, and back again to get the stitches out today. So, that was four appointments for one thing. Then, Shaun went for a checkup and was referred to another doctor also...that's another two appointments. Then Tayson's turn. He scared us with a diagnosis of Scoliosis, which turned out to be nothing on the x-ray. Thanks for the heart attack, doc!! He also has to go to the eye doctor tomorrow. One more appointment. Turns out he's going to follow in my footsteps and need glasses so young! I guess I should have planned on that one happening! Good thing that he's the cutest kid ever, and even more so with glasses. We'll have pics soon with his exam tomorrow and hopefully getting the glasses ordered too. We do get to "kill two birds with one stone" tomorrow, cuz I'm getting my eyes checked out too. So that's seven appointments, and one on the way tomorrow and then another on Tuesday, since Shaun needs new glasses too. So many doctor appointments, so little time. Can you say, "When it rains, it pours"?

Not to mention that Haylie has now reached the "terrible two's" and I can't stand to take her anywhere! So, I've had to get babysitters every time I go to the doctors. Thanks to everybody who has helped out with watching her! She has also reached a milestone....No More Binky! I know! I know! She is WAY too old to have one, and she only had it during nap time and bedtime, but we finally threw them away. She got to go to the store to pick out a toy as a reward. She picked out a little sea horse that lights up and plays music (much like a glowworm). She absolutely loved it at the store. Then I bring her home, and put her to bed. A fit follows..."I hate that horse! Get it out of my room! I want my BINKY!!" Lovely. Just lovely. I didn't give in. I took her sea horse out and shut the door without giving her the binky! She fell right asleep. When she woke up she spent hours loving her sea horse and telling me how much she loved it. But, when bedtime rolled around she told her daddy that the horse stays downstairs. Apparently, it will NOT replace the binky as her bedtime/nap time comfort. Oh..silly, strong-willed little girl. LOVE HER!!!

On another note...Valentine's Day was wonderful! Shaun let me sleep in, made breakfast for me and had the table all set nice with flowers, chocolates and a card in the middle. So sweet! Cupid then knocked on the door and ran away (since he is naked) and brought the kids a Valentine's treat and stuffed animal. Gotta love that Cupid! Then we dropped off the kids at my parents and went to Iggy's for lunch. Yummy! Then we came home and relaxed the rest of the night. All in all it was a very nice Valentine's day.

So, that's what has been happening in the Copeland family. A little chaotic, but we are loving (or at least trying to) every minute of it. It is definitely worth the crazy's to be a part of this wonderful family. My favorite moment today? Giving hugs, kisses and snuggles as I put my kids to bed. Knowing that they are taken care of, happy and loved. Favorite moment today to come? Hugs, kisses and snuggles as I end the day with my hubby. That's all that matters.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Poor Tayson!

Yesterday, Tayson had to have his two top canine teeth pulled. His new adult teeth are on their way in, just a bit sideways, since there is no room for them, so the dentist said to pull the canines in hope of straightening out his adult teeth. Poor kid! He took it like a champ and didn't even flinch once! The "laughing gas" kind of knocked him for a loop though. He was a bit tired, loopy, and I think a little traumatized! He stayed home from school, ate ice cream, had Grandpa Dodge's homemade chicken noodle soup and was pampered a bit! He's such a good kid, even if he was a bit pitiful yesterday! We already know he's going to have to get the bottom teeth pulled too in a few months! He said he would be OK to do long as Grandpa can make him some chicken noodle soup again! What a cutie! AND....the tooth fairy almost forgot to come! I was getting a bit worried that Tayson would be disappointed when his teeth were still under his pillow and there wasn't any money, but then she finally got here about 5:30 am! Good thing! That was a close one!!! :0) So now today at school Tayson's class will sing to him, and put his name on the tooth board! Very exciting least to a seven year old! Go Tays! You're a champ!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Oh my! My hubby just turned 29 years old! He says he is not celebrating because he is sooo old! Too bad! We are celebrating!! This morning the kids woke him up by jumping on the bed, singing "Happy Birthday!" and giving him homemade cards. Too cute! They love their Daddy! He then opened his gift (the movie 'No Country For Old Men", some wine, nuts, candy bar, and my personal favorite...two huge pickles like the ones you used to get at the movies!). Tonight we are going to go to a movie, dinner and out with friends! Should be a good time!

I've been just busting with pride over this man of mine lately! This is his last semester of college. He is nominated for "Outstanding Senior". He has awesome grades, a pending job offer, and every opportunity open to him! Not to mention a wonderful, beautiful wife and two precious kids who adore him! ;0) He is so good to us and excels in everything that he does! I'm so lucky to have him as my partner in crime...oh, I mean partner in life! I love him tons and wish him a happy happy birthday and year to come! Love you, Babe!!

On another birthday note, Shaun's parents bought us tickets to see the ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham, for our birthdays. We went through the rain and fog down to SLC to see him last night! Very funny! Very entertaining! Thanks for the tickets, guys! It was great! If you have never heard of him or seen his stuff, check it out! I still can't decide who my favorite is, Peanut, or Achmed The Dead Terrorist!
Here is a pic of Achmed.

Here is Jeff Dunham with Peanut (the purple puppet in the middle), Walter (left) and Jose Jalapeno On a Stick (right).

The show was a blast! I had a great time...that is until the drive home through the canyon that was sooo foggy! That part was a little scary! But even with the fog, it was a great night! Did I mention FUNNY!!! A way fun way to celebrate our birthdays this year!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Few More Pics, And A Happy Birthday To ME!!!

Here is Tayson on his birthday. Haylie was trying to open his presents while he wasn't looking! Typical little sister!!

Here are the fish that Tayson picked out for his birthday. He got five. Two have already died!!! Oh no! Hope we can get the ammonia levels correct, and SOON!

Here is Tayson and Shaun playing with his Gyroscope! Thanks Landon!!

Tayson had such a wonderful birthday and was so sad when it was over!! He's such a cute kid!
My birthday was on Sat, Jan. 10th! I'm sooooo old!! (Does 26 count as old?) Shaun let me sleep in. Haylie couldn't stand it! She kept sneaking into my room saying "This not working!!!" When I asked her what wasn't working she said, "Daddy!" I asked what she needed and she said, "Mommy!" Oh, how nice it is to be loved! ;0)
Then my parents watched the kids overnight and Shaun took me to dinner and then to see the movie Marley And Me. Very cute! I had a wonderful birthday too and was spoiled by everyone!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Seven On Tayson's Seventh!!!

Happy Birthday, Tayson!!!

I can't believe that my little guy is seven years old today! It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital in a snow storm and his daddy was driving about 10 miles per hour!! We sure love our Tayson!!

I thought that I would do a little birthday interview with Tayson so that everyone can get to know him a little bit better! He is constantly cracking us up with the big words he uses and his silly sense of humor! It sure would be dull in our family without him!!

Here is a picture of his "Crab Birthday Cake"!

The interview went as follows....

Seven Things That Tayson Loves...
  • My Grandparents
  • My Family
  • BB Guns
  • My Crab
  • Karate
  • Animals (deer, elk, cougars, etc.)
  • School

Seven Things That Tayson Hates...
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • When Haylie Pesters Me!!
  • Tornadoes (Where did he get this one????)
  • Chores
  • Making my Bed!
  • When I'm Sick!

    Tayson's Seven Favorite Foods...
  • Doritos
  • Dominoes Pizza
  • McDonald's
  • Diet Coke
  • Quesadillas
  • Cheese
  • Cake

Tayson's Seven Favorite Movies...
  • Transformers
  • Iron Man
  • Kung Fu Panda
  • Karate Kid
  • Wall-e
  • Walking With Dinosaurs
  • Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Seven Things That Tayson Is Good At...

  • Drawing
  • Karate
  • Math
  • Reading
  • Making Paper Airplanes
  • Riding His Bike
  • Swimming

Seven Things That Tayson Wants To Do Before He Turns Eight...
  • Go Swimming In The Ocean
  • Fly a Kite
  • See Shamu
  • Go Camping
  • See a Deer
  • Hike in a Cave
  • Go to Bear Lake

    So that is a little info about my seven year old, Tayson! He is such a joy and we are lucky to have him! Love you, Tayson! Happy Birthday! Here's hoping all your dreams come true!

    He got some fun games from DeAnn and her family!!

Haylie gave him a gum ball machine!

Today, Grandma Dodge, Haylie and I get to go have lunch at school with Tayson. Then after school it's off to the Fun Park for dinner and playing! Then we are going to Petsmart to buy some new fish. Then it's home for cake and ice cream and present time with the Grandparents! Happy Birthday, Tayson! Love you!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Early "Crab" Special!!

Oh dear! Shaun and I are not experts in the planning department! Tayson's 7th birthday is on January 9th.
On New Year's Eve, Shaun's mom, Sharon, came and watched the kids while we went to dinner and shopping for Tayson's present. (Dinner was awesome, by the way!! New Year's Eve was calm this year! We just stayed home and watched Hancock..which is actually quite funny...and relaxed! We watched the ball drop from the comfort and warmth of our own bed!!)

Anyway, we had decided to get Tayson some kind of crab or frog or lizard for his birthday and headed to Petsmart after dinner. So, we saw a crab...liked it.....bought it and an aquarium for it. Then on the way home, we realized that the crab couldn't live in a little baggie for over a week! OH NO!!! So, then we thought that maybe we could just set up the aquarium and hide it until Tayson's birthday. Hmmmm....where oh where were we going to hide an aquarium in our little apartment? No where, that's where! So, we ended up letting Tayson have his birthday present early. A lot early! Oh well! He absolutely loves it and was jumping up and down in excitement! We hit the jackpot on this one!
Here is our newest family member. Tayson named him Mr. Crabs.

Tayson will get to go pick out some new fish friends for Mr. Crabs on his birthday! We also found some little plastic toy crabs to go on a birthday cake for him. Pictures to come of his REAL birthday! And I have to say, that we have all grown fond of our new little's hoping he lives!!!!

A Very Merry Christmas!!

So, it's January 2nd and I'm just getting around to writing about Christmas! We have been so busy with Shaun at home and cleaning and putting toys away! But, I think I have found a minute to think back on Christmas...

On Christmas Eve we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Dodge's. We exchanged gifts, since we were going to be at Shaun's parents on Christmas. First we opened our "Christmas Eve presents". We all got jammies. Haylie's were Tinkerbell and Tayson's were dinosaurs....both zip ups! Then Tayson opened his presents from Grandma and Grandpa....Kung Fu Panda, and Jenga! Haylie got Tinkerbell (the movie) and a Tinkerbell toy! How fun! Shaun and I got Wii games, movie tickets, money, Indiana Jones, and I got a necklace that I just love! So spoiled!! Then we played with cousins, watched The Grinch, had dinner, baths, drove around looking at Christmas lights, had desert and came home.

Once home we set out stockings, tracked where Santa was, put out cookies and milk and tucked the kids in bed.

The next morning we got up early and opened presents.

Shaun got me a new Tissot watch that I love, along with clothes, lotions, a purse, Mama Mia, a CD, and a candle warming lamp! I was very spoiled! Don't mind the photo with no makeup!!! Notice all of our new jammies!!

Shaun's big present was Guitar Hero for the Wii. He got the whole band bundle with the drums and microphone too! He also got a really nice hoodie and some other goodies.

Tayson got Electronic Battleship, Lego's, Iron Man, a remote control helicopter, clothes, etc.

Haylie got princess toys, Tinkerbell toys, a Cabbage Patch doll, a tent, clothes, etc.
Santa definitely spoiled them this year!!

After we got dressed we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Copeland. Shaun and I got camping equipment! A cooler, a stove, etc. The kids each got a sleeping bag and a flashlight and other goodies! They also got Wall-e the movie! Much loved!! We had a delicious dinner and then headed home to play with our toys!

My very favorite moment of the whole day was right after we had opened presents from Santa and I was getting breakfast ready. My kids were playing so nice in Haylie's new tent! Here are a few pics...

This is my very favorite pic of the whole day! How cute is my little Haylie???

It was such a nice Christmas! We weren't rushed, or hurried, but just able to spend time together! A wonderful Christmas that goes down in the books as the best!