Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School Bells Are Ringing!

So....Shaun and I started back to school on Monday. Whereas Shaun is used to school, it's been SEVEN...count them....SEVEN years for me. It is a bit overwhelming and due to some issues with one of my online classes I ended the first day in tears. The second and third day went better, and I'm even about a week ahead of where I need to be. Haylie seems to be adjusting well to not having my undivided attention. I know that I will get in all in balance soon. I have been told a lot recently that I am uptight. Now I'm that a dig? One good friend gave me a mantra to say over and over all day to help me unwind....I'm working on it! It's a good one! :0)- Dinner, dishes, laundry and housework are already falling to the wayside, but we'll survive. We aren't living in a pigsty yet! Shaun has been awesome in helping with the kids so I can get a few things done without Haylie. Now we'll have to see what happens when we aren't in the FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL!! Yes, I know....repeat my mantra! Ready or not, here we go!!!


Life of Us said...

Thanks for the update Carrie! It sounds like your kids and family are doing great! School is an adventure!

Carrie's Corner said...

It is at that! Today was much better...think we're getting the hang of things! How are your girls doing? How are you liking two?